Keller Williams Newport Beach - Zahra Almahayni
Zahra Almahayni
Keller Williams Newport Estate
Corona Del Mar, CA
Licenca #:DRE# 02163304 -CA / Real Estate SalespersonuZahra Almahayni at Keller Williams Newport Beach
Svaka kancelarija Keller Williams® je u nezavisnom vlasništvu i upravljanju
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JEZICI English
MARKET CENTAR Keller Williams Newport Estate

O meni

Zahra Almahayni's business is about service. Coming from a Hospitality background, she focused on client satisfaction and is not happy until they are happy.

She attended Cal State Fullerton and earned a Bachelor's degree focused in Business Administration, with concentration in Hospitality and Entertainment Management, giving her a unique insight towards how to protect clients while finding the best deals for them.

Since her client dedication and love of helping others are what motivate her the most, Zahra entered the Real Estate world. She believes in building a trusting relationship by listening and comprehending each client's unique circumstances.

As a Single mother of two boys, Zahra Volunteered at the Interval House as a mentor for women who are going through challenges, and received the President’s Volunteer Service Award for the impact she made. She also received a Certificate of Excellence from the Dean of Mihaylo College of Business and Economic.

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My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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Zahra Almahayni
Licenca #: DRE# 02163304
Zahra Almahayni at Keller Williams Newport Beach

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Keller Williams Newport Estate
2411 E Coast Highway, STE 300 Corona Del Mar, CA 92625

Zahra Almahayni
Real Estate Salesperson DRE# 02163304
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